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Memo to Clinton and Sanders: Competition is Not a Healthy Choice for School Improvement

Competition among schools for students and among parents for entry into schools will not lead to systemic improvement or equity in education. It hasn’t happened anywhere, nor is there evidence that it can….Competition among schools for students and among parents for entry into schools will not lead to systemic improvement or equity in education. It […]

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Haven’t We Done Enough? Must We Have Winners and Losers Even in Education?

There are stark contrasts between the Democratic and Republican candidates for President of the United States across many issues of values, style and substance. However, none of the Democrats have distinguished themselves from their rivals with respect to K-12 education policy by challenging the winners and losers ethos has come to pervade even the education […]

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The K-12 Education Speech We Need From Democrats

The K-12 Education Speech We Need From Democrats With the Elementary, Secondary Education Act (ESEA) once again up for reconsideration in Congress, it is time for the Democratic presidential hopefuls to take a stand. Candidates Sanders, O’Malley and Clinton have decided that to differentiate themselves from their Republican rivals, they must make a direct, unmistakable […]

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Democrats: There Are Better Choices Than School Choice to Improve Education

Over the next year we can expect to hear a lot from Republican presidential candidates about school choice, the word of choice to marshal political support to expand the number charter schools and vouchers for private schools. Democrats, except maybe the governor of New York, have traditionally opposed public funding for vouchers. However, many have […]

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We Can Be Better Than the Audacity of Small Hopes

We Can Be Better Than the Audacity of Small Hopes The United States is suffering through the audacity of small hopes. In the shadow of the Great Recession and after several decades of increasing wealth disparity in the United States, the politically and financially powerful have the audacity to call upon the nation to accept […]

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Why Reports of Progress on No Child Left Behind Rewrite May Not Be a Good Sign

There are reports on Capitol Hill that some progress is being made on the rewrite of No Child Left Behind, at least between the Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate education committee. Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the Republican committee chairman, and Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, recently issued a statement saying: “During […]

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